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Writer's pictureMercurie Studios

Insights on Technological Responsibilities

Updated: May 13

I made myself a promise that I was going to be better about blogging. To use my platform better as a way of communicating not just my theatrical thoughts, but even my own personal ones as well. I’m going to have another birthday soon, and it’s making me realize my own morality. Every year, as my birthday month comes around I always get introspective.

This May, I’m spending all my weekends in the Stage Manager’s Booth of First Look Buffalo's production of The AI at Delphi, a show that definitely makes you think. The actors are amazing, the tech and design of the show is stunning, and the show is very well written; it really moves and has a force to it. 

It’s a show that asks and answers the question: if an AI became sentient what would happen? I will be honest, In my own tech filled life, I almost want to back away from the usage of AI and technology. I don’t like how smart it is, or how it can collect or mine for data. I can see its benefits, and I have used it for my own gain as well, but theres still a part of me that wants to turn it off and return back to a world of connecting to real people in real places - the same part of me that returns back to theatre and the stage and our wonderful Buffalo theatre community.

I saw a post recently that said something along the lines of “I would like AI better if we used it for work tasks like folding laundry or cleaning, but instead we use it for art and creativity”. ( It was a post on facebook somewhere, and i don't know who the original poster was, my apologies.) I think that’s exactly how I feel about it. If an AI handled all my menial things and it freed my time up for more art and creativity then I think I would also be more prone to use it, and maybe its out there and I just don't know it yet. There’s a line in the AI at Delphi that I think about often… “technology can’t be un-invented, we just have to learn how to use it responsibly.” 

Have you had a chance to see this show - or any show similar to it? What are your thoughts about the continuing rise of AI technology? Do you think we use it responsibly? I’d love to hear what others have to say about it!

And since I’m here, might as well plug the show, so get your tickets to see

at, there are only two more weekends to see this show!! 

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